2 cups granulated sugar ▢1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder ▢½ cup vegetable oil ▢4 eggs ▢2 teaspoons vanilla extract ▢1⅔ cups all-purpose flour ▢2 teaspoons baking powder ▢½ teaspoon salt ▢½ cup powdered sugar


Step - 1

Combine the granulated sugar, cocoa powder, and oil in a medium basin and mix together with a hand mixer on medium speed. 

Mix together the flour, baking powder, and salt in a separate basin. Stir the dry ingredients into the liquid ingredients until thoroughly combined. Relax for one hour. 

Step - 2

Bring the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Prepare and set aside a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.  

Step - 3

Incorporate sugar granules into a bowl. Form dough into 1-inch spheres using the scoop and roll; coat with powdered sugar. Place on the cookie sheet that has been prepared.  

Step - 4

Bake for eleven to nine minutes.  

Step - 5

Let cookies sit on the cookie sheet for a few minutes, then remove to a rack to cool completely.

Step - 6

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