Here’s How Often You Should Actually Take Your Blood Pressure, According to a Cardiologist

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring records your blood pressure readings every 15 to 30 minutes during the day and every 60 minutes at night over a 24-hour period

Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring In a survey study, 47.9% of adults aged 50-80 with hypertension or blood pressure-related health conditions reported regularly monitoring their blood pressure at home

Clinician Recommendation 61.6% of adults with hypertension or blood pressure-related health conditions reported that their clinicians advised them to periodically check their blood pressure

Factors Affecting Frequency Self-rated mental health, clinician recommendation, and home blood pressure monitor ownership were associated with regular self-measured blood pressure monitoring, but no other factors were

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Reasons for Self-Measured Monitoring The most common reasons for performing self-measured blood pressure monitoring were to check if blood pressure is normal, to monitor blood pressure, and to see if medication is working

Sharing Readings with Clinicians Among adults with hypertension or blood pressure-related health conditions who owned a home monitor, approximately half shared home blood pressure readings with their clinicians

Frequency Recommendations Protocols should be developed to educate patients about the importance of self-measured blood pressure monitoring, sharing readings with clinicians, and the frequency that monitoring should be performed


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