▢3 boneless, skinless chicken breast ▢1 TB vegetable oil ▢2 TB grated Parmesan cheese ▢2 TB Hidden Valley Ranch Dip Mix ▢salt and pepper to taste
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
To prepare vegetables, stuff them into a gallon bag. Combine with salt and pepper, oil, Parmesan cheese, and Hidden Valley Ranch mix. Stir the vegetables until thoroughly coated.
Ensure that there is space in the center of the foil-lined or greased sheet pan for the chicken before adding the vegetables.
To prepare the poultry, place it in a gallon bag. Combine with salt and pepper, oil, Parmesan cheese, and Hidden Valley Ranch mix. Shake the chicken until it is thoroughly coated.
Bake the chicken for 35 to 40 minutes, or until a meat thermometer registers 170 degrees, on a sheet pan. Warmly serve, and enjoy.